NAIDOC celebrations across WA

Posted: July 4th, 2016

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To celebrate NAIDOC Week this year, towns across Western Australia are collaborating with local and national Aboriginal organisations to plan cultural events and activities for their communities.

Working with the Yinhawangka People, the town of Paraburdoo is planning a series of events beginning on 2 July. These events include family friendly gatherings and demonstrations of traditional practices like boomerang throwing and damper-making competitions.

In Tom Price, there are plans for demonstrations of traditional dancing, painting and performances, live music, an outdoor film festival, and a Food Showcase.

In Perth, an afternoon of free family entertainment is being offered at the James Street Amphitheatre. Featuring performances by Jake and the Cowboys, the event is being presented by acclaimed Aboriginal dancer and digeridoo player Olman Walley. Guests can learn about Australia’s native bush plants and bush tucker by trying a variety of samples at market stalls. Those who cannot make it can tune into 100.9 FM for a live broadcast on Noongar Radio.

For more information about the events in Paraburdoo and Tom Price, visit the Shire of Ashburton’s website here, and for information about how NAIDOC Week is being celebrated across WA visit the official NAIDOC week website here.