7th Annual On-Country Bush meeting at the Yule River Meeting Place.
Posted: August 20th, 2021
The 7th Annual Yule River bush meeting will be held on Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 August. This year the focus of discussions will be on cultural heritage protection and the 2020 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill draft.
Day one is for Traditional Owners only, to come together to discuss their concerns and how they would like to tackle issues raise.
Day two invites visitors from Government to join the conversations and hear directly from the community.
Yule River has become an important platform for ensuring Traditional Owners remain at the centre of decision-making and we again look forward to involvement from Traditional Owners, government representatives, and stakeholders in 2021.
Please note this COVID Registration of attendance of the event will be required. YMAC will ensure the meeting meets the current State and Local Government guidelines and requires all attendees support these efforts to keep the community safe.
ALL attendees will be required to –
- Have their temperature checked on arrival.
- Sign the attendance register agreeing to adhere to the recommended safety measures and give your name and contact details (including telephone number) for the purpose of contact tracing.
YMAC is required to hold these details for 28 days and pass them to the Department of Health if required;
- Sanitise your hands on arrival and regularly during the course of the meetings; and cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue (or use your elbow).
- Maintain a 1.5m distance (about two arms lengths) from each other.
Face masks will be made available at registration.
Lunch will be provided both days, self-catered camping is available.
This is an alcohol and drug free event, YMAC is unable to pay travel allowance.
RSVP to: lcornell@ymac.org.au