Country, Culture, People, Future

July 2020

Recognising World Ranger Day

Posted: July 31st, 2020

Australia has so many beautiful, natural assets and attractions. Within those is some of the oldest culture and heritage in the world. So who better to care for it than Aboriginal rangers?

We are really happy to have Stanley Dwayne Hill from Burringurrah Rangers, on Wajarri Country sharing with us why caring for Country and being a ranger is so special for him.

This is work that YMAC really values being part of.

Here’s to the rangers around the world – with 31 July being World Ranger Day – dedicated to the service they provide so that we may enjoy nature, culture and heritage.

You can watch Stanley’s message here:




2020 NAIDOC Local Grants Round Now Open

Posted: July 24th, 2020


The 2020 NAIDOC Local Grants Round have reopened for NAIDOC Week, now being held from 8 to 15 November.

NAIDOC Week was postponed from the original July dates due to the uncertainty of the evolving Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and to protect those vulnerable in our communities.

The grants aim to support local activities being held that celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, achievements. Activities should align with the National NAIDOC Theme for 2020, ‘Always was, Always will be’.

Head to the NAIDOC website for more information.

Call for multi-billion environment stimulus package

Posted: July 13th, 2020

Nyangumarta rangers marking flatback turtle nests at the Ramsar site, Eighty Mile Beach WA.

A coalition of Conservation and Farmers’ lobby groups are calling for a multi-billion environment stimulus package to help create jobs in rural and regional areas found to be hardest hit by coronavirus. Indigenous Rangers and Land and Sea Management were identified as a key existing framework through which to increase effective stimulus into the regions.

A report prepared by Ernst and Young on behalf of more than 70 organisations found that a $4 billion national program spend would generate 53,000 jobs, reduce welfare costs by $630 million and raise economic output by $5.7 billion over the next four years – with economic gains rising to $9.3 billion over the next 20 years.

As the native title representative body for the Pilbara and Yamatji regions of Western Australia, Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation (YMAC), fully supports this initiative that could potentially expand critical Indigenous Land and Sea Management programs across our representative regions. It would be highly beneficial for Traditional Owner groups and broader communities across the Mid West, Gascoyne and Pilbara regions of WA.

Aboriginal Ranger programs YMAC are involved in, deliver vital environmental services and projects including tree planting, weed control, feral pest eradication, fire management, threatened species projects and capacity building.

Ernst and Young said particular benefits of the regional environmental stimulus is an opportunity to employ many workers with no previous experience and accommodate workers who have lost their jobs in other sectors.

Creating funding streams that are specifically for Indigenous land and sea management and Indigenous organisations, that deliver real jobs with proper operational funds over longer time frames, is a key element of ensuring Indigenous equity of access to stimulus.  It raises the prospect of ongoing – rather than ephemeral – employment benefits in the regions.

Specifically, increasing funding to known models like Indigenous Ranger jobs and Indigenous Protected Areas is more likely to deliver results that endure, and ensure practical benefits are realised at the local level in regional and remote areas.

The groups calling for the environment stimulus spending include Landcare, National Farmers Federation, NRM Regions Australia, Australian Land Conservation Alliance, Australian Conservation Foundation and Pew Charitable Trusts.

YMAC COVID-19 update

Posted: July 13th, 2020

On Friday 10 July, Premier McGowan announced that further relaxation of coronavirus restrictions in Western Australia will be delayed by two weeks. The decision to be extra cautious has been made due to the number of people in Perth quarantine hotels and the growing outbreak in Victoria.

Phase Five for WA – which would have seen the removal of the two-square-metre rule in venues – has now been pushed back to 1 August.

YMAC will continue to progress towards welcoming all staff back into our offices from Monday 20 July. However, in light of this announcement YMAC will continue to keep our offices closed to visitors until 1 August, which is in line with delay of moving to Phase 5.

Stay safe

Truth telling project scoops 2020 WA Heritage Awards

Posted: July 6th, 2020


“Don’t look at the islands”, Lock Hospitals memorial at Carnarvon. Photo Credit – Melissa Sweet

Congratulations to the volunteer team behind the Lock Hospital Project for their outstanding achievements at the 2020 WA Heritage Awards.

Overall the project was recognised for four coveted awards: Bob Dorey and Kathleen Musulin – who is a former YMAC Board of Director- have been named winners of the ‘Voluntary Individual Contribution’ category; The Lock Hospital Working Group has been named a joint winner in the ‘Community-based organisation’ and the ‘Interpretation Project’ categories; as well as the recipient of the prestigious Judges Award: The Professor David Dolan Award.  

The project played a key part in lobbying the WA Government to formally acknowledge the shocking history of WA’s Lock Hospitals off the coast of Carnarvon. Between 1908 and 1919, hundreds of Aboriginal patients were incarcerated in the Lock Hospitals on Bernier and Dorre islands, with more than 150 people dying there. 

Chair of the Heritage Council of WA, Hon John Cowdell AM commended the team for bringing an important piece of Australian history to the awareness of more people.

“Your commitment to the recognition of the once hidden stories of the Bernier and Dorre islands Lock Hospitals has brought the community and descendants together to share painful stories and acknowledge past truths. I commend you for your ongoing dedication to the project and those impacted by the horrific chapter in Western Australia’s history.”


Country is our mother, the provider and keeper of cultural belongings. Country and Culture go together. You can’t have one without the other.

Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners and custodians throughout Western Australia, and on whose Country we work. We acknowledge and respect their deep connection to their lands and waterways.

We honour and pay respect to Elders, and to their ancestors who survived and cared for Country.

Our offices are located on Whadjuk Country, Southern Yamatji Country, Yinggarda Country, Kariyarra Country, and Yawuru Country. We recognise the continuing culture, traditions, stories and living cultures on these lands and commit to building a brighter future together.

Disclaimer: Caution: Please be advised that this website may contain images, voices and names of deceased people.

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