Posted: November 19th, 2022
Three government-run workshops on the proposed guidelines for the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 will be held in the Mid West in late November and early December:
- Geraldton: 10am-2.30pm, Monday, 28 November, Batavia Coast Conference Centre, The Gerald Apartment Hotel, Level 1, 25 Cathedral Avenue.
- Meekatharra: 10.30am-2pm, Wednesday, 30 November, Town Hall, 54 Main Street.
- Mt Magnet: 10am-2pm, Thursday, 1 December, ANZAC Hall, corner Hepburn and Naughton Streets.
A Statewide, online-only session will also be held 9am-1.30pm, Thursday, 1 December.
The workshops will provide an opportunity to discuss the proposed Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Code, which details a required due diligence assessment and proposed activity and consultation guidelines that will set the standard for engaging First Nations people about their cultural heritage in the new act.
Another key discussion point relates to setting levels for ground-disturbance activities that could cause harm to Aboriginal cultural heritage to determine whether an approval would be required (and whether it should be a permit or more comprehensive management plan).
With the introduction of the new heritage laws for Western Australia scheduled to take place in 2023, this is a critical opportunity to provide feedback on these important documents. YMAC encourages people to attend to have their voices heard.
Register for the workshops for catering purposes. Morning tea is provided beforehand, along with a working lunch.