You are here: YMAC > Renewable Energy Projects > Project Timeline
The Project Timeline is a best practice approach to guide the negotiation of a renewable energy project to deliver positive outcomes for Traditional Owners and industry alike, whether Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) led or industry led projects. YMAC supports PBC led economic empowerment.
A renewable energy project may be multi-generational, spanning 60-100 years.
Typically, projects change over time – e.g., the project at operation stage may be fundamentally different to the initial project design, and this needs to be planned for driving negotiations between the parties.
What does not change is the need for Traditional
Owners to protect their Country and preserve their
cultural heritage, and their right to do so at every stage of the process by providing their free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC).
A collaborative approach from the start is a vital part of a Renewable Energy Developer’s (RED’s) social licence to operate and underpins successful renewable energy projects that result in positive outcomes for Proponents and investors.
It also empowers Traditional Owners and provides access to generational wealth, and many social and economic benefits to local communities.
Most importantly, walking along the development pathway together is key to addressing the impacts of climate change for the benefit of future generations.
The Project Timeline is the core mechanism and has been developed as a GUIDE to enable focus on each stage identified within the process, as well as the relationships between stages, and, importantly, to provide parties with the tools to consider options and forward plan. The stages are numbered for ease of reference but in practice, every project is different, the starting point may vary, and many stages may occur concurrently.
Click on any stage for more detail.
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Important notes about this timeline
YMAC’s Renewable Energy Guide has been developed for use by Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs), Traditional Owners, Renewable Energy Developers (REDs), government and industry.
It is designed as a ‘big picture’ framework for renewable energy projects. Its intention is to support a best practice approach by all parties involved in a project.
All projects are different, and the Project Timeline is not intended to be a perfect fit for all projects. That is, for any project, stages may occur or commence at different times or not be required. Some stages are linear, and others may occur, in whole or in part, concurrently. Each stage incorporates considerations for other stages, as relevant to a project.
The Project Timeline is a GUIDE ONLY.