Sharna Oakley
Posted: June 7th, 2018
Sharna is a Malgana woman who grew up in Carnarvon. She is pleased to serve as a Yamatji Regional Committee member and YMAC Board Director because it gives her the opportunity to learn more about YMAC’s operations, contribute to its strategic direction and provide input on native title issues that matter. Sharna hopes to see Aboriginal people fighting for their land have access given back to them, so Elders can teach the younger generation about its background.
In addition to her YMAC work, she works at the Aboriginal Family Legal Service as a Community Engagement Worker, helping with legal advice in the community and redress. Sharna also assists to help families who are experiencing domestic violence and in need of support with other issues in their lives. Sharna was re-elected onto the YMAC Board and Yamatji Regional Committee in November 2023.