Country, Culture, People, Future


Paddy Poland documentary to air on NITV

Posted: December 8th, 2016

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A WA-produced documentary about Malgana man Jimmy “Paddy” Poland will be shown on NITV (SBS) over the next three years.

“Shark Bay Salt Water Stories: Yarning with Jimmy” is a collection of stories looking at Jimmy’s life growing up around the Gutharraguda (Shark Bay) area over nine decades.

The film tells his stories about growing up in the Shark Bay community, how he worked as a fisherman, stockman, shearing hand, and cook, and how he learned how to carve pearl shell, emu eggs and boab nuts from his father.

You can watch an excerpt here and learn more about the film at the Facebook page here.

NITV Documentary – Our Footprint

Posted: August 12th, 2014

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Tomorrow night NITV will be showing the documentary Our Footprint featuring Wajarri Traditional Owner Ross Boddington.

The film is part of the Indigenous Community Stories initiative, a joint project from ScreenWest, Rio Tinto, Leighton, Ngarda and the Film and Television Institute (FTI) WA. The initiative has captured many stories from across Western Australia. Among them are stories from Jurruru, Wajarri and Badimaya. For more information on the project click here to visit the FTI website.

Our Footprint with Ross Boddington will be shown on NITV at 7.30pm, 13th August.


Bundiyarra stories on film

Posted: May 2nd, 2014

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The Bundiyarra people’s story of working towards recognition, the issues and obstacles that they faced was captured on film as part of the Indigenous Community Stories project.

Since the completion of the film a VIP roof top screening was held in Perth for the Bundiyarra founding members and the community to view their story on the big screen.

NITV will show the film soon and it will be available online for viewing later in the year. To hear more about the experiences of the Bundiyarra people in making the film and the VIP roof top screening click here. To learn more about the Indigenous Community Stories project visit the FTI WA website.

Country is our mother, the provider and keeper of cultural belongings. Country and Culture go together. You can’t have one without the other.

Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners and custodians throughout Western Australia, and on whose Country we work. We acknowledge and respect their deep connection to their lands and waterways.

We honour and pay respect to Elders, and to their ancestors who survived and cared for Country.

Our offices are located on Whadjuk Country, Southern Yamatji Country, Yinggarda Country, Kariyarra Country, and Yawuru Country. We recognise the continuing culture, traditions, stories and living cultures on these lands and commit to building a brighter future together.

Disclaimer: Caution: Please be advised that this website may contain images, voices and names of deceased people.

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