Country, Culture, People, Future

National Indigenous Youth Parliament

National Indigenous Youth Parliament open for applications

Posted: February 7th, 2017

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A program sponsored by the YMCA, Australian Electoral Commission and volunteers is inviting Aboriginal people between the ages of 16 and 25 to apply to the week-long National Indigenous Youth Parliament.

Six people from each state will travel to Canberra to develop their leadership skills, meet Australia’s leaders, learn about democracy and have their say on important issues.

The deadline for applications is Friday 3 March 2017. More information about the program and how to apply can be found on the AEC website here.

Have your say: National Indigenous Youth Parliament

Posted: March 2nd, 2012

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Photograph of Parliament House, Canberra

The National Indigenous Youth parliament brings together 48 young Indigenous people aged from across the nation to meet in Canberra, discuss ideas, learn from mentors and present a draft bill to the Government.

Six Indigenous Western Australians, aged 16-25 will be chosen to participate. The program consists of a week of training in April with the other WA delegates, and a week in Canberra in May with the delegates from all of the States and Territories.

Participants will be chosen based on their community involvement, ideas, and interest in government and the parliamentary process.

This is a unique opportunity for young people to learn how the system works, present their ideas to the Government, and connect with other future Indigenous leaders.

More information and applications are available from

Country is our mother, the provider and keeper of cultural belongings. Country and Culture go together. You can’t have one without the other.

Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners and custodians throughout Western Australia, and on whose Country we work. We acknowledge and respect their deep connection to their lands and waterways.

We honour and pay respect to Elders, and to their ancestors who survived and cared for Country.

Our offices are located on Whadjuk Country, Southern Yamatji Country, Yinggarda Country, Kariyarra Country, and Yawuru Country. We recognise the continuing culture, traditions, stories and living cultures on these lands and commit to building a brighter future together.

Disclaimer: Caution: Please be advised that this website may contain images, voices and names of deceased people.

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