Have your say on proposed changes to Aboriginal heritage law
Posted: July 9th, 2014
YMAC is very concerned about proposed changes to the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA). Click on the two links below to read more about YMAC’s concerns and how you can make your submission to the Department of Aboriginal Affairs by 6 August 2014.
Letter from the YMAC chairs on proposed changes to the Aboriginal Heritage Act
Changes to the Aboriginal Heritage Act- YMAC fact sheet
YMAC strongly encourages Traditional Owners to be informed about these proposals and to make a submission in writing to the DAA before the deadline.
How to make a submission:
1. Read the fact sheet above and go to www.daa.wa.gov.au or call the DAA on 1800 727 985 to find out about the amendments
2. Send your comments to aha.reform@daa.wa.gov.au or
Chief Heritage Officer
Department of Aboriginal Affairs
PO Box 3153
3. The deadline for submissions is 6 August 2014