YMAC welcomes WA Government’s planned expansion of the Conservation Estate

Posted: March 14th, 2019



Photo: Malgana Country.  Photo by Jose Kalpers from YMAC, with the permission of the Traditional Owners.

Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation (YMAC) has welcomed plans by the WA Government to expand the State’s conservation estate, creating five million hectares of new parks and reserves over the next five years.

The expansion will go hand-in-hand with the principle of jointly managing, and in some cases jointly vesting, these new reserves with Traditional Owners, which means valuable training and employment opportunities.

YMAC is proud to already be assisting such ranger groups, through the Nyangumarta and Malgana land and sea management programs.

YMAC looks forward to assisting with the consultation process associated with Government’s ‘Plan for Our Parks’ and will strongly encourage Traditional Owners to get involved.

To download YMAC’s media statement click here.

To view the Plan visit: pws.dbca.wa.gov.au/planforourparks.

Premier McGowan’s media statement.