YMAC welcomes newly elected Yamatji Chairperson: Mr Victor Mourambine
Posted: May 30th, 2013
YMAC would like to welcome Mr Victor Mourambine, who has recently been elected as the new Yamatji Chairperson to our Board of Directors.
Victor is a Wajarri man from Northampton who has very deep ties to the region, and is grateful for the opportunities he has had to help his people.
He has a long history of working with the Aboriginal community, on the Commission of Elders at state and regional level, and through the Department of Justice helping prisoners. His work with Aboriginal prisoners earned him the Order of Australia.
Victor’s work in native title is motivated by a desire to gain recognition for traditional owners. He wants to carry on the fight of elders who have passed before they were able to gain legal recognition of their country and culture.
To learn more about Victor’s life and experiences of native title in Australia, please see the video below.