YMAC Board Does Not Support Cashless Welfare Card
Posted: August 17th, 2017
The YMAC Board of Directors are representatives of Aboriginal native title claim groups, PBCs, corporations and communities across WA. The YMAC Board does not support the cashless welfare card being promoted by Andrew Forrest because it unfairly discriminates against Aboriginal people.
The Minderoo Foundation video targets vulnerable people and unfairly exploits them. It perpetuates a racist stereotype that is held within the non-Aboriginal community that these people cannot be trusted to manage their own affairs. This propaganda is damaging to the good work that many are doing to build positive relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.
YMAC CEO Simon Hawkins states “… YMAC and the Australian public needs to see the data from the trial of the program to determine the merits of the cashless card, not just selective evidence from a few individuals. Broader consultation with the Aboriginal communities likely to be impacted by the program is needed to empower Aboriginal people to make informed choices on these matters.”
See more in the media release: ymac.org.au/media-releases/3960/