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YMAC Project Timeline

Project design/financial investment

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Project design

This stage includes completing a development plan co-designed with the Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC). All aspects of the project are finalised in comprehensive detail, including construction plans and specifications, goods and services provided by Indigenous suppliers, as well as local community benefits. Key dates and milestones are also central to the design, including start and end dates by phase and expected date for the start of energy generation. The PBC economic participation structure will be finalised, if not already completed at stage 6, and the RED will be aiming to finalise Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).
Co-design All major activities are co-designed with the PBC and, in consultation with experts, compliant with the Heritage Management Plan. Project design is updated as more detail is added, or if new information comes to light over the life cycle of the project, subject to the terms of the agreement. Processes and outcomes must be documented along with regular review at agreed intervals. Sharing information that is clear, accurate, accessible, and timely about the nature, design, construction, impact, and ongoing life of a renewable energy project with the PBC is an effective way to achieve free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) at every stage throughout the process and keep the project on track.     Project design elements Project design includes, per stage as applicable:
  • design and engineering - engagement, consultation and co-design process, nature, and scale of project in agreement area, including concept plans (latest versions) showing design for all options;
  • full disclosure of all options and compliance with both the Heritage and the Environmental Management Plans;
  • proposed layout subject to heritage agreements, including easements;
  • construction plans and specifications for all services to be provided and installed per stage, including Traditional Owner goods and services delivery, and other elements of Indigenous procurement under relevant agreements;
  • project timetable, schedule, and milestones per stage (including commencement and completion of each), and expected date for commencement of energy generation - may include a PPA;
  • project approvals process, including development approvals, Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) report, Environmental Management Plan (Social Surroundings), and waste management and disposal;
  • updated 3D modelling and/or site visits needed;
  • provision/implementation of commercial, financial, and other community benefits by stage;
  • rehabilitation and remediation activities during all stages and at the end of the project’s life, including engagement of experts and relevant funding for land remediation with environmental and Social Surroundings compliance, and processes for Traditional Owner participation on closure;
  • water management;
  • Compliance Manager appointment, funded by the RED, to ensure project design and all changes over time comply with heritage protocols and the Heritage Management Plan.

Financial investment decisions

The Financial Investment Decision (FID) is a major milestone. Many different types of financing may be involved in one project, and for different purposes. A project depends on a positive FID and being funded to proceed. That is: investors decide to invest; and/or, banks/financiers agree to provide a level of funding for the project. FIDs made are documented here. It is also worth noting that renewable energy projects address Economic Social Governance (ESG) standards, which attracts investor diversification.

Terms of Use & Disclaimer apply throughout this YMAC Renewable Energy Guide and all related materials

Important notes about this timeline

YMAC’s Renewable Energy Guide has been developed for use by Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs), Traditional Owners, Renewable Energy Developers (REDs), government and industry.

It is designed as a ‘big picture’ framework for renewable energy projects. Its intention is to support a best practice approach by all parties involved in a project. 

All projects are different, and the Project Timeline is not intended to be a perfect fit for all projects. That is, for any project, stages may occur or commence at different times or not be required. Some stages are linear, and others may occur, in whole or in part, concurrently. Each stage incorporates considerations for other stages, as relevant to a project.

The Project Timeline is a GUIDE ONLY.