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YMAC Project Timeline

Preliminary approvals

This stage is about the process of identifying approvals and licences required, and other conditions that must be met, so Renewable Energy Developers (REDs) can access the land. It’s often concurrent with stages 3 and 6.

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Licences and approvals

Licences and approvals required depend on both the project and the agreement, as do other conditions that need to be met so REDs can access the land to undertake activity, such as feasibility studies.
Expert advisers play an important role in the process of identifying what is required, when, and by whom, to move the project forward. These independent advisers must have suitable experience and proven expertise. They are appointed by the Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) and funded by the RED, as are site visits. Facilitating discussions between those experts and the PBC is essential, and it is up to the RED to make this happen. The PBC will start identifying any exclusion zones and no-go areas and sharing this information with REDs, so their concerns about risks and impacts can be included in baseline and ongoing feasibility surveys.


REDs may apply for and hold tenure, under the Land Administration Act 1997 (WA) (LAA), for the purposes of renewable energy and other projects.  The same applies to the PBC if it is also the RED. Examples include, applying for a section 91 licence during the feasibility stage and, later, a diversification lease.
REDs need to engage with the PBC well in advance of making any tenure application under the LAA. A grant of specific tenure may attract funding and other support for the PBC from the State Government.

Surveys and assessments

More surveys and assessments may be required at this stage. For example, cultural heritage mapping to identify heritage sites and potential exclusion zones, and monitoring of section 91 licence activities. The RED should use information gathered to address impacts and tailor implementation during project planning.
Processes and outcomes must be documented along with regular review at agreed intervals, particularly when new information comes to light. Sharing this with PBCs, in a timely manner, is an effective way to achieve free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) at every stage throughout the process and keep the project on track.

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Important notes about this timeline

YMAC’s Renewable Energy Guide has been developed for use by Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs), Traditional Owners, Renewable Energy Developers (REDs), government and industry.

It is designed as a ‘big picture’ framework for renewable energy projects. Its intention is to support a best practice approach by all parties involved in a project. 

All projects are different, and the Project Timeline is not intended to be a perfect fit for all projects. That is, for any project, stages may occur or commence at different times or not be required. Some stages are linear, and others may occur, in whole or in part, concurrently. Each stage incorporates considerations for other stages, as relevant to a project.

The Project Timeline is a GUIDE ONLY.