Reliant on concrete targets and transparent reporting, the Implementation Officer’s role is to:
- develop and manage a formal review schedule, including compliance, at regular agreed intervals as expressed in the ILUA/Head Agreement and the Heritage Management Plan;
- manage the process of appropriate and timely remediation, including a plan of action and resourcing required, where actual falls short of agreed;
- ensure all of this is expressed within the project’s accountability and governance structure, including agreement that anyone coming on-site needs to undertake cultural awareness training.
Important to remember is that activity associated with decisions made based on new information or changes cannot progress in any way without FPIC. This must be sought from PBCs as an outcome of identified triggers, project changes, and in the event new information comes to light during the project’s construction.
An ongoing communications plan is essential to share announcements, key milestones, project benefits and achievements. YMAC can assist client PBCs with communications/announcement opportunities, including media announcements.
Key milestones should be identified and celebrated with PBCs and community. Each PBC will have their own way of commemorating these.