Timeframe amended for new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill due to COVID-19
Posted: April 15th, 2020
Last month Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation requested the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Ben Wyatt consider postponing the final consultation on the draft Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2020, to allow the Aboriginal community, key stakeholders and the State Government to focus on the immediate response to COVID-19.
On 9 April the State Government announced it would reschedule the final consultation until COVID-19 has subsided, to ensure the reform has the appropriate level of consultation.
The Aboriginal heritage protection reform process has been subject to extensive consultation over the past two years, resulting in a broad consensus of key stakeholders – principally Aboriginal people and the mining industry – on the fundamental components and direction of the proposed Bill.
Work will continue in the interim with key stakeholders before the Bill is released for final public comment.
Please view the full media release here