Country, Culture, People, Future

YMAC Board of Directors

Natalie Parker, YMAC Director and Co-chair Pilbara, invites Prime Minister to Yule River

Posted: July 5th, 2018

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Natalie Parker, YMAC Director and Co-chair Pilbara, was interviewed by the Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association (CAAMA) today. She spoke about the community’s concerns for the future of remote housing in WA; due to the lack of a funding agreement between the State and Federal governments. Mrs Parker invited the Premier and Prime Minister to the Yule River bush meeting to address the community’s concerns.

Listen to the interview here: Natalie Parker CAAMA Radio Interview

About CAAMA Radio

CAAMA began operations in 1980 and was the first Aboriginal organisation to be allocated a broadcasting license. CAAMA serves the Aboriginal people of Central Australia through a network of 11 regional radio stations in the Northern Territory. Its  focus is on the social, cultural and economic advancement of Aboriginal peoples. CAAMA promotes and shares Aboriginal culture, language, dance, and music while generating economic and social benefits in the form of training, employment and income generation.

Dont’ Walk Away – Remote communities call on State and Feds to step up at Yule River

Posted: July 2nd, 2018

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MEDIA STATEMENT: Monday, 2 July 2018

Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation (YMAC) Co-chairperson, and Nyiyaparli (central Pilbara region) woman, Natalie Parker, has called on the Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, to attend the 5th Annual Yule River On-Country Bush Meeting next week.

Last week, YMAC asked the State Government to release details of its plans to manage funding of remote Aboriginal communities into the future, with its 50-year funding agreement with the Federal Government expiring on Saturday (30 June).

The State Government responded on Friday by launching an eleventh hour national public campaign to pressure the Federal Government to “not abandon 165 remote communities in Western Australia”.

The State Government said its ‘Don’t Walk Away’ campaign would feature online and print media advertising, and promote a website with a call to action for people concerned about the plight of the almost 12,000 people living in remote communities across WA.

“Both the State and the Federal Government need to step up at Yule River on 11 and 12 July and let people from remote Aboriginal communities know what is happening,” Ms Parker said.

“Aboriginal people across WA, including in my community at Youngaleena, are looking over their shoulders, and face the trauma of being forced off their Country again.

“It is 2018, and all Australians, and people around the world know, that forcing Aboriginal people off their Country causes irreparable long-term trauma, social issues, degradation of land and culture, and is totally unacceptable.”

YMAC Chief Executive Simon Hawkins said both governments should demonstrate respect for the health, wellbeing and safety of all Aboriginal people living remotely in WA, by bringing a sustainable plan to fund remote communities to Yule River.

“YMAC understands the deep cultural and spiritual value that living on Country holds for many Traditional Owners; allowing them to practice traditional Law and customs as recognised under their native title determinations,” Mr Hawkins said.

The full media release can also be found here: Don’t Walk Away – Step Up

Media Contact: Jane Grljusich, Communications Manager, 0427 463 796,

Newly elected members of YMAC’s Board and Yamatji Committee

Posted: December 8th, 2014

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YMAC’s Annual Regional Meetings were held in November in South Hedland and Shark Bay. Annual Regional Meetings provide an opportunity for YMAC members to meet with their Regional Committee and members of the Executive Management Team and discuss YMAC’s operations and achievements of the past year. It is also the forum for elections to the Yamatji regional Committee.

Newly elected members of the Yamatji Regional Committee are Darren Capewell, Dion Harris, Rachel Mongoo and Rhodda Capewell, while Victor Mourambine, Rodney Ryan and Susan Oakley were re-elected to Committee positions. They join existing members Ben Roberts as Chair, Peter Windie as Deputy Chair, Paul Baron, Cecily Dowden, Davina Mourambine, Deborah Oakley and Karla Tittums, whose terms continue until the 2015 ARM.

Directly following the Yamatji Annual Regional Meeting the Yamatji Regional Committee met to elect representatives to the Board of Directors. Ben Roberts, Cecily Dowden, Deborah Oakley and Richard Oakley were elected to join the Board along with existing members Peter Windie and Paul Baron.

For more information on our Board and Committees see our Who We Are page.

YMAC holiday shutdown and heritage survey break

Posted: December 9th, 2013

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YMAC’s Board of Directors, Regional Committee, Management and Staff wish you a happy, healthy holiday.

2013 xmas photo cropped


For many Aboriginal Communities in the Midwest and Pilbara, December to January is a special time of year to observe cultural obligations and practices.
Out of respect for these traditions, YMAC will not be conducting any heritage surveys between Monday 16 December 2013 and Monday 3 February 2014.
Any heritage survey requests received after 16 December will be scheduled to commence after 3 February.
Thank you for your understanding.
All YMAC offices in Perth, Geraldton, South Hedland and Tom Price will be closed during the festive season from Monday 23rd December 2013, re-opening on Thursday 2 January 2014.


YMAC welcomes newly elected Yamatji Chairperson: Mr Victor Mourambine

Posted: May 30th, 2013

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YMAC would like to welcome Mr Victor Mourambine, who has recently been elected as the new Yamatji Chairperson to our Board of Directors.

Victor is a Wajarri man from Northampton who has very deep ties to the region, and is grateful for the opportunities he has had to help his people.

He has a long history of working with the Aboriginal community, on the Commission of Elders at state and regional level, and through the Department of Justice helping prisoners. His work with Aboriginal prisoners earned him the Order of Australia.

Victor’s work in native title is motivated by a desire to gain recognition for traditional owners. He wants to carry on the fight of elders who have passed before they were able to gain legal recognition of their country and culture.

To learn more about Victor’s life and experiences of native title in Australia, please see the video below.

YMAC Christmas Shutdown and Heritage Surveys

Posted: December 20th, 2012

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For many Aboriginal Communities in the Midwest and Pilbara, December to January is a special time of year to observe cultural obligations and practices.
Out of respect for these traditions, YMAC will not be conducting any heritage surveys between Monday 17 December 2012 and Friday 1 February 2013.
Any heritage survey requests received after 17 December will be scheduled to commence after 1 February.
Thank you for your understanding.
All YMAC offices in Perth, Geraldton, Karratha, South Hedland and Tom Price will be closed during the festive season from Thursday 20th December 2012, re-opening on Wednesday 2 January 2013.
YMAC’s Board of Directors, Pilbara and Yamatji Regional Committees, Management and Staff would like to wish you a happy and safe festive season.

2012 Annual Report now available for download

Posted: October 31st, 2012

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YMAC is proud to release our Annual Report for the 2011/12 financial year. In addition to our complete financial statements, the report also contains many highlights from the year, a message from the CEO, a report from the Board of Directors and many beautiful pictures of country.

Click here to download our Annual Report from our website or email to request a hard copy.

Native Title Stories: Diane Stewart

Posted: August 31st, 2012

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YMAC would like to welcome Diane Stewart as the latest member of our Board of Directors. Ms Stewart is a Nyangumarta woman from the East Pilbara who loves spending time on country. Watch her video below to hear her stories about country, family and culture.

Diane Stewart, YMAC Director.

This is the third in a series of interviews with our Committee and Board Members, in which they share their stories of country and culture. See previous interviews with Yamatji Directors Ben Roberts and Susan Oakley.

Native Title Stories: Susan Oakley

Posted: August 7th, 2012

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Watch Yamatji Committee member Susan Oakley share her experiences and reflections on native title in Australia.

This is the second in a series of interviews with our Committee and Board Members, in which they share their stories of country and culture. To see the previous interview with Yamatji Committee member Ben Roberts, click here.

Country is our mother, the provider and keeper of cultural belongings. Country and Culture go together. You can’t have one without the other.

Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners and custodians throughout Western Australia, and on whose Country we work. We acknowledge and respect their deep connection to their lands and waterways.

We honour and pay respect to Elders, and to their ancestors who survived and cared for Country.

Our offices are located on Whadjuk Country, Southern Yamatji Country, Yinggarda Country, Kariyarra Country, and Yawuru Country. We recognise the continuing culture, traditions, stories and living cultures on these lands and commit to building a brighter future together.

Disclaimer: Caution: Please be advised that this website may contain images, voices and names of deceased people.

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