Posted: April 24th, 2013
Filed under: Denham, FORM., Helena Bogucki, Indigenous Arts, Jimmy Poland, Malgana, Pieces of Gutharraguda, Shark Bay, Shark Bay World Heritage and Discovery Centre
Respected local Denham community icon, Jimmy Poland, will tell the story of his life in Shark Bay through an upcoming exhibition of his jewellery and artwork called Pieces of Gutharraguda.
At 86 years old, Malgana elder Jimmy has been carving pearl shell, emu eggs and boab nuts for many years – a skill that was passed down from his father – but this is the first time his works have been documented visually as part of Malgana cultural history.
Through a mentorship program supported by contemporary WA arts organisation, FORM, Jimmy has been able to work with leading WA jeweller and designer, Helena Bogucki. His pieces reflect the evolution of Gutharraguda (Shark Bay) country, as well as the fishing and pastoral industries of the town.
Pieces of Gutharraguda will be showing at the Rose de Freycinet Gallery, Shark Bay World Heritage and Discovery Centre, 3-24 May 2013. The exhibition will then travel to Gwoonwardu Mia Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre in Carnarvon, Port Hedland Galleries, and Perth.
For details about the exhibition opening, please see the flyer below.
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