Country, Culture, People, Future

Native Title Act

YMAC’s policy submissions now available online

Posted: November 12th, 2013

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YMAC is constantly working towards recognition for the rights of Traditional Owners in the Pilbara and Yamatji regions. This includes advocating at all levels of government, and YMAC provides submissions to government and other bodies on issues that affect traditional owners.

Many of those key submissions from the last two years are now available for download on our website

These documents outline YMAC’s policy positions on many of the important issues being discussed by governments today, including proposed changes to Aboriginal heritage legislation and the Native Title Act.

Draft Terms of Reference for Native Title Act Review now open for Public Consultation

Posted: June 12th, 2013

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The Federal Government has announced public consultation on draft terms of reference for an inquiry by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) into certain areas of the native title system.

Under the draft terms of reference, it is proposed that the ALRC inquire into and report on the following two issues under the Native Title Act 1993 (the Act) that can significantly affect the timely and effective resolution of native title claims:

  • connection requirements relating to the recognition and scope of native title rights and interests, and
  • the identification of barriers, if any, imposed by the Act’s authorisation and joinder provisions to claimants’, and potential claimants’:
    • access to justice, and
    • access to and protection of native title rights and benefits.

Click here to read the full draft terms of reference.

The deadline for submissions is COB, Friday 28 June 2013 (EST). Comments can be sent:

Native Title Unit
Attorney-General’s Department
3–5 National Circuit
For more information on the review and consultation process, please visit the Attorney-General’s Department website.

Give your thoughts on Native Title Reform

Posted: January 25th, 2013

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The Federal Government is seeking feedback on the proposed amendments to the Native Title Act. The Native Title Amendment Bill 2012 reforms three areas of the Native Title Act:

  • it clarifies the meaning of ‘good faith’ and makes amendments to the ‘right to negotiate’;
  • it allows parties to agree to set aside historical extinguishment in parks and environmental reserves;
  • and it makes some changes to the scope and processes for voluntary ILUAs.

Written submisions are due by 31 January, and should address the proposals for reforms and whether a balance has been struck between the views of different stakeholders.

For more information and to make your submission, go to

Country is our mother, the provider and keeper of cultural belongings. Country and Culture go together. You can’t have one without the other.

Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners and custodians throughout Western Australia, and on whose Country we work. We acknowledge and respect their deep connection to their lands and waterways.

We honour and pay respect to Elders, and to their ancestors who survived and cared for Country.

Our offices are located on Whadjuk Country, Southern Yamatji Country, Yinggarda Country, Kariyarra Country, and Yawuru Country. We recognise the continuing culture, traditions, stories and living cultures on these lands and commit to building a brighter future together.

Disclaimer: Caution: Please be advised that this website may contain images, voices and names of deceased people.

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