Call for entries in “The Art of Wellbeing” Art Competition
Posted: July 26th, 2017
Not-for-profit mental health organisation, Richmond Wellbeing, has launched their inaugural ‘The Art of Wellbeing’ competition and exhibition.
It gives the WA Aboriginal community a chance to share their culture through their art, by submitting their interpretation of wellbeing in their chosen artistic form such as painting, photography, and sculpture. Up to 20 finalists will be selected and paid for their artwork, and the winner will be given the enriching experience of working with celebrated artist Janine Daddo and highly respected Noongar artist Wendy Hayden. The mentoring program from these esteemed artists will assist in spring boarding their career.
How to Enter
- Send the completed form by Monday 21st August 2017 to or post to
The Art of Wellbeing
Richmond Wellbeing
29 Manning Road
Cannington, WA 6107 - We will contact you with an Entry Pack, to be completed by Friday 27th October.
Look out for our helpful Assistance Day, coming in September 2017. Let the inspiration flow!
Expressions of interest will close 21st August. For more information, visit: