Banjima people celebrate recognition after a battle in the Federal Court
Posted: March 14th, 2014

Banjima Traditional Owners with Justice Barker at their on-country native title determination this week
On 11th March 2014, the Federal Court recognised the native title rights of the Banjima People at their on-country determination held in Karijini National Park in the Central Pilbara.
The Banjima People first lodged their native title claim in 1998 and have been in litigation with the WA State Government since 2011 after being unable to move forward with a negotiated outcome.
Maitland Parker, Banjima elder, said “We have fought for this for a long time, so to be recognised as traditional owners is very rewarding. Our elders have taught us all of the things we needed to get our determination. They have taught us our law, language and culture, which we will pass on our young people.”
Simon Hawkins, CEO for Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation said it was a momentous occasion for the Banjima people.