Solar power hopeful says Pilbara’s potential ignored – Pilbara News

Posted: August 8th, 2018

1 August 2018

Green power hopeful Pilbara Solar has questioned a national report ·on Australia’s energy future, claiming it failed to recognise WNs solar-rich regions.

A report last month by the Austra­ lian Energy Market Operator to the Council of Australian Governments claimed coal-fired power plants would still deliver the cheapest electricity for the next
20 years.

Pilbara Solar director Richard Finlay-Jones said the report did not recognise ener­gy-intensive regions such as the Pil­bara.

“With the right support from all lev­els of government, the Pilbara has the potential to become a 100 per cent renewable, zero emissions zone with­in a decade,” he said.

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