Senior Heritage Officer Positions in Geraldton and Pilbara

Posted: September 12th, 2017

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The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (Department) engages with Aboriginal Western Australians and all levels of Government to improve the delivery of services and to facilitate the development of policy and programs, which deliver suitable economic, environmental and social benefits to Aboriginal communities.

The Department is seeking two experienced individuals to undertake the role of Senior Heritage Officer. One role is based in Geraldton and one is based in South Hedland (although the Pilbara role may be located in Karratha or Roebourne and applications are also encouraged from these areas). Both are permanent full-time positions. Aboriginality is a genuine occupational requirement of this position under Section 50D of the WA Equal Opportunity Act.

Reporting to the Team Leader Regions, the successful candidate will:

  • Undertake project work relating to Aboriginal heritage, across Western Australia in line with the strategic direction of the heritage directorate including the provision of advice to external stakeholders relating to the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to develop heritage projects to preserve and protect Aboriginal Sites
  • Support the Team Leader in identifying and achieving heritage outcomes in line with the agreed Directorate outcomes.

Please use the links below to view the Department website for a job description form and further information about the duties and the job related requirements which will be used to select the successful candidate. Suitable candidates, not selected to fill this vacancy, may be considered for other employment opportunities (in like positions and like locations) over the next 12 months.

Geraldton Candidates:  Senior Heritage Officer, Geraldton

Pilbara Candidates: Senior Heritage Officer, Pilbara