Scholarship opportunity for Indigenous Business Leaders

Posted: March 14th, 2021

The Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) is offering scholarship to 20 Indigenous leaders to attend the Company Directors Course Online program and receive free membership with the AICD for one year.

The course is designed to help experienced directors, executives and leaders develop a deeper understanding of governance issues and improve their performance, and will be delivered through both online and offline learning.

Applications are encouraged from people who:

  • Identify as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person.
  • Have experience as a director, senior executive or senior leader within an organisation.
  • Possess the ability and desire to contribute as a board member in the future.
  • Can outline the benefits of completing the program for themselves, their organisation and/or their community.
  • Can commit to undertaking the Company Directors Course Online™, commencing Friday 4 June 2021.

Scholarship applications close on Monday 22 March 2021.

To learn more about the course and apply for the scholarship, please visit the AICD website here:

Further enquiries can be sent to Scott Dickson before the application deadline.