Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act
Posted: March 19th, 2019
On 7 March Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ben Wyatt launched a discussion paper addressing long overdue changes to the State’s Aboriginal Heritage Act (1972).
YMAC has long advocated for an overhaul of the Act, and it’s great to see that not just an overhaul, but a repealing of the existing Act and new Aboriginal heritage legislation is being proposed.
Aboriginal heritage sites across the State not only hold deep cultural significance for Aboriginal people, they are iconic and in many cases internationally recognised.
YMAC believes it is particularly important that we see change with respect to ensuring Aboriginal people have a strong say in an appeal process on decisions affecting their heritage and land.
Community consultation starts this week
A number of information sessions are planned to be held all over the State, including:
- THIS Thursday 22 March in Geraldton
- 26 March in Esperance
- 28 March in Carnarvon
- 10 April in Tom Price
- 11 April in Roebourne
- 12 April in South Hedland
YMAC encourages Traditional Owners to get involved and attend these sessions. For timing and location details, as well as other locations throughout the State, click here.
The discussion paper and details on how to get involved in the review can be found at