Relaxing of COVID-19 Restrictions

Posted: May 14th, 2020

On Sunday, 10 May 2020 Premier Mark McGowan announced the State Government’s four phase roadmap to ease COVID-19 restrictions in WA. Phase 2 comes into effect on 18 May.

It is very important for people to familiarise themselves with the details of what the changes mean. Up to date details and FAQs can be found here

Phase 2 includes the following, with a limit of people lifted to 20 people where social distancing of 1.5 metres or 4 square metres per person can still be maintained:

  • indoor and outdoor non-work gatherings will be lifted from 10 people to 20 people;
  • people are encouraged to return to work, unless they are unwell or vulnerable;
  • cafés and restaurants can reopen with meal service (including within pubs, bars, clubs, hotels and casino);
  • weddings and funerals, up to 20 attendees (30 for outdoor);
  • places of worship, community facilities and libraries to re-open;
  • community sports (non-contact);
  • outdoor or indoor fitness classes (minimal shared equipment);
  • public swimming pools can open under strict rules (one indoor pool and one outdoor pool).

WA regional travel restrictions will also change, the number of current borders within Western Australia will drop from 13 to only four.  This will NOT include the Commonwealth Biosecurity zone and remote communities.

The new regional boundaries will allow:

  • travel between the South-West, Great Southern, Wheatbelt, Perth and Peel regions;
  • travel between the Mid-West, Gascoyne and Pilbara regions (excluding Biosecurity zone);
  • travel within the Goldfields-Esperance region (excluding the Biosecurity zone);
  • travel permitted between the Kimberley local government areas (the Commonwealth’s Biosecurity zone remains in place).

Western Australia’s hard border with the rest of Australia will remain in place.  It is expected to be the final restriction lifted.

Phase 1 is already in place following the cautious relaxing of some restrictions from April 27, 2020, to allow families and friends to stay connected.  Phase 3 will be finalised in the coming weeks, based on the advice from the Chief Health Officer and taking into account the infection rates across WA.

More information on WA’s Roadmap is available here