You are here: YMAC > Renewable Energy Projects > Project Timeline > Purpose of the Project Timeline

Purpose of the Project Timeline

Its main purposes are to:

  • Support Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs), industry and government to effectively and respectfully navigate the project development pathway.
  • Provide a practical guide to creating genuine partnerships to guide PBCs and Renewable Energy Developers (REDs) along the project development pathway, resulting in positive outcomes for all parties.
  • Provide information/tools to promote early engagement, cultural awareness and understanding between the parties, and free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) throughout a project’s evolution.
  • A ‘shared’ tool – relevant to PBCs, REDs and government, anchored in making sure a range of economic participation options are practically considered, and which embeds FPIC by expressing how to make it happen at every stage.
  • Empowerment in action. Demonstrate to PBCs, REDs and government bodies alike what empowerment in action could look like.
  • Establish the highest possible standards NOW to create mutually beneficial working relationships that pay respect to what has come before, while delivering the best outcomes for the future.
  • Deliver multiple benefits, including accelerating the project process with full FPIC, and achieving equitable social and economic benefits for PBCs and REDs – while protecting Country and the environment.
  • Create trust based on genuine partnerships, leading to greater certainty during the process for all parties.

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Important notes about this timeline

YMAC’s Renewable Energy Guide has been developed for use by Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs), Traditional Owners, Renewable Energy Developers (REDs), government and industry.

It is designed as a ‘big picture’ framework for renewable energy projects. Its intention is to support a best practice approach by all parties involved in a project. 

All projects are different, and the Project Timeline is not intended to be a perfect fit for all projects. That is, for any project, stages may occur or commence at different times or not be required. Some stages are linear, and others may occur, in whole or in part, concurrently. Each stage incorporates considerations for other stages, as relevant to a project.

The Project Timeline is a GUIDE ONLY.