New Heritage Survey Request Form

Posted: July 25th, 2011

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As part of our commitment to constantly improve our services, YMAC has created a new Heritage Survey Request Form for all proponents wishing to undertake heritage surveys in the claim areas we represent.

The new Heritage Survey Request Form was created to improve the efficiency of our heritage services. Proponents requesting heritage surveys now have a single form listing all of YMAC’s requirements to begin planning a heritage survey for the earliest possible date. It is designed to assist proponents meet their requirements under their heritage agreements in a way that is clear and straightforward for all parties.

To coincide with the new Heritage Survey Request Form YMAC has launched a new email address where all heritage survey requests can be lodged. This email address will  help prevent any delays in processing heritage survey requests and provide a single place for proponents to send material to ensure it is processed as efficiently as possible.

YMAC is committed to providing quality, professional heritage protection services for our clients, the Traditional Owners of the Midwest and Pilbara regions.

Please click here to download the Heritage Survey Request Form or visit the Heritage Protection page of our website.