NAIDOC Week 2022
Posted: July 1st, 2022
NAIDOC Week begins this Sunday, 3 July. This year’s NAIDOC Week theme is ‘Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!’ which must be a genuine commitment by all of us to continue to get up, stand up and show up every day. Whether it’s seeking proper environmental, cultural and heritage protections, Constitutional change, a comprehensive process of truth-telling, working towards treaties, or calling out racism — we must do it together.
During this week, YMAC will acknowledge, honour, and celebrate many of those who have, and those who continue to, Get Up! Stand Up! and Show Up! There are also many events in our regions celebrating this important week. Below are links to a few:
NAIDOC week is a time to recognise the many who have driven and led change in our communities over generations, the heroes and champions of change, of equal rights and basic human rights. Check here for daily updates.
YMAC hopes others will join us this coming week in celebrating not only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s achievements, but the history, rich culture, and survival of the oldest continuing living culture on earth.