Legislations’ shortcomings noted in the Juukan Gorge Inquiry.
Posted: December 11th, 2020
Industry, and State and Federal legislation have been held accountable by the Joint Standing Committee on Northern Australia Inquiry into the destruction of 46,000 Year Old Caves at the Juukan Gorge in the Pilbara.
The Committee tabled an interim report, titled Never Again from its Inquiry to Parliament on December 9 2020. They noted that more time was needed to produce a full report to cover such complex issues.
The findings make it clear that several laws must change to address the power imbalance inherent in State and Federal legislation.
The report makes seven recommendations focussing on improving relations between industry and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and improving the legislative framework protecting Indigenous heritage.
A copy of the media statement YMAC has prepared in response to this report in available here.
YMAC will continue to advocate for legislative reform, for a fairer and more balanced environment for Traditional Owners to undertake agreement-making and for central involvement in decisions about what happens on their Country.