Learn more about ‘ACHKnowledge’: the new government database for managing Aboriginal cultural heritage in WA
Posted: July 7th, 2023
As part of the new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 that has come into effect from 1 July 2023, the old Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 Section 18 approvals process has been replaced by a tiered system.
To replace Section 18 the government have launched an online system – ACHKnowledge – to provide a centralised location for the management of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage (ACH) data and to help with statutory compliance of the management of ACH.
As part of this new system, the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) has announced it is allowing for organisational accounts to be set up.
Education sessions have been set up in a range of locations, including:
- Perth – Wednesday 12 July
- Mt Magnet – Thursday 27 July
- Meekatharra – Friday 28 July
- Carnamah – Wednesday 2 August
- Carnarvon – Thursday 10 August
- Geraldton – Wednesday 16 August
Register attendance at any of the above sessions via this link: Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 Education workshop schedule (www.wa.gov.au)
The DPLH are also offering briefings on organisational accounts, which can be organised by calling them on (08) 6551 8002.
To learn more, visit the DPLH website at Understanding ACHknowledge Webinar Series (www.wa.gov.au)