Defence and Veterans Legal Service

Posted: December 8th, 2022

Did you know there is a legal service available at Legal Aid WA called the Defence and Veterans Legal Service (DAVLS)?

The DAVLS has been set up to assist people who want to share their story with the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.

They provide free and private legal advice about the Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans Suicide to members of the public including:

  • people who are serving, or have served, in the Australian Defence Force (no matter time, length or service branch); and
  • family members, carers and supporters of people who are serving, or have served, in the Australian Defence Force.

The DAVLS can help people share their experiences safely, protect their privacy, help them prepare a submission, and talk to them about their rights and protections.  They can also connect people with other legal and non-legal services if required. Click here to read the DAVLS pamphlet.

For further information, please visit their website at or call 1800 33 1800.