Closure of Gun Shops (No 2) Direction – Aboriginal Person Entitled to Exercise a Native Title Right to Hunt
Posted: April 22nd, 2020
Statutory Declarations now available : Closure of Gun Shops (No 2) Direction – Aboriginal Person Entitled to Exercise a Native Title Right to Hunt
YMAC recently wrote to Hon Fran Logan, MLA Minister for Emergency Services and Mr Christopher Dawson, Commissioner of Police and State Emergency Commissioner, seeking further advice on how this Direction is being implemented.
Specific advice was sought with regard to how Traditional Owners can provide evidence to gun shop owners that they are “an Aboriginal Person who is entitled to exercise a native title right to hunt over particular land and waters…”.
In most native title determinations of the Federal Court of Australia, the definition of “native title holder” includes subjective components such as self-identification, and identification by the broader community.
The broader community identification is the responsibility of each determined native title group’s prescribed body corporate (PBC). It may be challenging for some PBCs to provide this written support during this period of self-isolation and travel restrictions, and therefore also challenging for Aboriginal people to obtain ammunition in accordance with this Direction.
YMAC is pleased to advise that this Statutory Declaration can now be used by native title holders, to support provision of evidence of their right to exercise native title rights. Native title holders will need to print out and complete details such as name and address, as well as which native title determination/application you are connected to. The form must also be witnessed by an ‘authorised witness’. A copy of the letter sent to all gun shop owners by WAPOL is also included here for reference.
YMAC is interested to know if any Traditional Owners continue to experience difficulties with this issue. You can call our Perth, Geraldton or Port Hedland office numbers for assistance.