Celebrating 20 years of YMAC

Posted: December 17th, 2014

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December marks 20 years since YMAC became a representative body under the Native Title Act. In celebration of this milestone the Board of Directors is proud to announce a new publication Looking After Country: Our Mother, Our Provider and Keeper.

The book, which is rich with photos and interviews, provides an important record of the achievements of the organisation and the Traditional Owners of the the Midwest, Gascoyne and Pilbara regions of Western Australia.

YMAC Co-Chairperson Mrs Doris Eaton said the book is a retrospective on the organisation, how it has grown, and what it has achieved.

“It took us 20 years to get where we are but we’ve got more things to do. We want to see more determinations, we’ve got more to come.”

Click here to view the book on the web or email editor@ymac.org.au to request a hard copy.