Badimia native title trial wraps up in Federal Court

Posted: April 5th, 2013

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This Wednesday 3 April was the last day of trial for the Badimia people’s native title case in the Federal Court.

It was the culmination of years of hard work and the end of a very long and difficult process for the Badimia people. YMAC would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the Traditional Owners who contributed to and participated in this trial, which ranged over many months and several locations out on country and in Perth.

YMAC also acknowledges the elders who have passed away since the Badimia claim was lodged in 1998.

The Federal Court will now consider all of the evidence and submissions before making a decision on the Badimia people’s native title claim. A judgement is not expected before late 2013 or 2014.