Aboriginal Family Safety Grants now available
Posted: May 1st, 2024
The Department of Communities have announced their Aboriginal Family Safety Grants, with applications open from May 2024.
The grants are open to Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and Registered Aboriginal Businesses and are designed to prevent or respond to family violence in your community.
The grants will fund projects that contribute to new and innovative Aboriginal and community-led family safety initiatives that prevent or respond to family violence, as well as local, place-based and Aboriginal-led solutions and actions that address family violence.
Funding is being made available for two years of delivery for family safety programs or initiatives in your local community, as well as activities to build capacity and help deliver your initiative. Applicants can apply for up to $500,000 over two years.
Grant applications can be submitted on Tenders WA from mid-May 2024. To find out more or to lodge an application, click here.