$10,000 for 2023 NAIDOC Week poster design
Posted: January 5th, 2023

A $10,000 cash prize is on offer for First Nations artists, aged 16 and over, who come up with the winning design for the 2023 NAIDOC Week poster. All artwork submitted must reflect the 2023 NAIDOC Week theme – For Our Elders – and, for the first time, group entries are permitted.
The poster competition is an iconic feature of NAIDOC Week (2-9 July in 2023) and has a rich and significant history, beginning in 1967 when the National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) first began producing posters.
In addition to the cash prize, the winning artist (or group of artists) will receive two tickets to the NAIDOC Awards ceremony. The competition closes 5pm, Monday, 6 February. Learn more about the competition and what judges look for when deciding on the winner.